Sunday, October 10, 2010

Streetwalking II

We went to an opera at the Bastille Opéra the other evening and loved it.  It's an extraordinary auditorium in and of itself and the production of Eugène Onéguine was wonderful.  When we emerged, the night was nearly balmy and we felt the need to stretch our legs and decided to walk home, about three miles, I'd guess.  Our route took us past Notre Dame.

We usual avoid walking here because during the day it's jammed with tourists. individually and in groups, and all the shops on the adjacent streets are selling souvenir junk and fast food.  At night however all was still and, except for the lighting on the Cathedral, one might have been in a photo by Eugène Atget.


Susan said...

Absolutely beautiful. So nice without the swarms of tourists and their accompanying buses!

Lisa said...

Beautiful photos!