Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Who Are They?

Driving through an industrial area of Oakland we came across these enormous sculptures in an empty lot.  We couldn't get close enough to tell what they're made of but my best guess would be heavy guage metal wire.  The squatting figure must be over 15 feet tall and the standing women easily 20 to 30 feet.

The group below seems to be praying or performing sun salutations.  I don't have any information about the sculptor but would love to know.  Does anyone out there have any information?


Unknown said...

Hi Shelli,
Think...Burning Man. The artist is Karen Cusolito. Here is a link to her website: http://karecuso.com/about/index.html

She runs American Steele Studios in Oakland and provides studio space to other artists and businesses.

Amazing sculpture. I'd love to be there when they move them.
Best...Jacque Hachquet

Shelli said...

Thanks Jacque! Interesting work.